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Class Start Times
Monday - Friday Afternoons
Saturday Mornings
CrossFit ThunderDome – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
10 Min EMOM
Odd – 15 Wall Ball 20,14
Even – 8 DB Thruster 50,35
The DB Thrusters is performed with a DB in each hand.
Please do not drop the DBs from overhead. They WILL break.
Score the WOD by putting how many rounds you completed.
Metcon (Time)
20 Alt DB Snatch 40,30(50,35)
25′ OH DB lunges
10 OH DB Squats *5 each arm
25′ OH DB Lunges
200m Run
xtra wrk – 1-5 Rounds
20′ HS Walks or 4 Wall Walks
1 Min Rest
Time stops after athlete completes 4 rounds. 1 to 5 rounds of extra work is based on the level of the athlete.
Athletes should go straight into the xtra wrk immediately after completing the 4th round.