
CrossFit ThunderDome – CrossFit

Accessory Work

8 Min EMOM(Kinda)

3 Strict HSPU

5 Strict Pull Ups

Alt every 30 seconds.

Light Kipping is acceptable if you lose strict ability

If you are unable to perform a full range HSPU, hold the HS position for 20 seconds even if partial range of motion reps are performed.


Metcon (Time)

For Time

25 Burpees


4 Rounds

8 SBWB 35,30(50,35)

10 SDHP 53,35(80,53)

8 Box Jumps 24,20


25 Burpees

*The SBWB movement is performed on the wall. Females to the 8′ Target and guys to the 10′ Target. Each rep still starts from the ground and each rep must go into a full squat clean before getting the ball to the target.